Monday, September 15, 2008

What happened to all my photos?

Hmmm, I put at least a dozen more photos on here last week and they have been swallowed!! Grrr.

You can look at my facebook ones here:

(You don't need to be signed up to facebook to view)

Or we have just gotten access to all the Inspire photography ones....
go to
click online ordering, then Glenn & Tamar and the password is Rosewood
They are fantastic!

Glenn has a really bad flu at the moment so he got out of painting duties over the weekend, but me I am still picking paint out of my hair! House is looking great, but it is top coats next weekend so we had better pick some colours!

Take care all!!


1 comment:

A Kiwi Bug said...

Hey, when is it going to be in the magazine?